sound problem

Thomas Nikolajsen thomas.nikolajsen at
Sun Aug 6 15:58:06 PDT 2006

Playing sound using pcm(4)/snd(4) gives bad quality: hiss and hops, like sound isn't playing for very short time periods.

This is experienced:
 - not having SMP in kernel config (eg GENERIC)
 - from dfly-1.5 26th December '05 (24th is ok using kernels from chlamydia);
including HEAD.

dfly-1.4 is ok, including 1.4.4.

Using audio/mpg123 for MP3, 'cp test.raw /dev/dspW' or pcmplay for decoded sound.
Buffering audio data with mpg123 -b doesn't sound like making any difference.

CPU load doesn't sound like making any difference.
Problem experienced on several systems, using snd_via8233 and snd_ich.

No X11 used.


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