Bootsplash doesn't work

user at domain.invalid user at domain.invalid
Sun Apr 23 03:18:07 PDT 2006

Alternatively, you might consider using Lilo or Grub, both of which 
support boot graphics.  I use Lilo and posted a thread on the topic 

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
On 16.04.2006, at 16:26, Thomas Schlesinger wrote:

The problem was already reported a year ago
( msg00138.html),
obviously with no solution, so take this as a reminder ;-)
yes, it's broken, but nobody ever tried really hard to get it working
again.  actually i don't consider it neeed in any way.
Sure, it's not really needed, but nevertheless it's at least for me a
nice-to-have ;-)

happy bug hunting then (maybe the bug is colored and shaped like an  egg?)

if you go this route, you can be sure to learn a lot about boot and  
internals of the dragonfly kernel :)


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