Off-Topic Question

David Xu davidxu at
Mon Mar 7 06:21:03 PST 2005

David Rhodus wrote:
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 09:33:30 +1100, Nigel Weeks <nweeks at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Sorry for this, but does DragonFly use UFS2 as it's filesystem, so that it
has filesystem snapshots/background FSCK?
I realise this is a 'bugs' list, but the boss's pestering me to get an
answer before this morning's meeting.

No, there is no current support for UFS2 in DragonFlyBSD.  We
currently use the 32-bit UFS1 filesystem.  There is ongoing to to add
in support for filesystems greater than 1TB in size and should be
completed very soon.  As for background FSCK, DragonFly is currently
in development of adding in journaling support and is just a few
months away from completion.  The background fsck method has many
fundamental flaws hence the reason for development of a different
method.  Our jorunaling work will allow the system an even greater
degree of flexibility as you will able to do things such as real-time
remote mirrored filesystems.
I am too late to catch up this topic, but I wish DragonFly doesn't
merge in any background FSCK, that's a totally broken way, I have
too much trouble with it on FreeBSD.
David Xu

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