Bootloader problems

Jud judmarc at
Tue Aug 31 04:40:39 PDT 2004

On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 13:15:36 +0200, Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai
<asmodai at xxxxxx> wrote:
> -On [20040831 13:12], Simon 'corecode' Schubert (corecode at xxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> >see my other posting some days ago. I don't think this hex stuff comes
> >from loader, it more seems like boot2. I had this problem too on
> >virtualpc/gcc3, but i don't have much time to look into that. but i'll
> >be happy to run+try patches/debug stuff.
> Sorry, was using loader as a general term to encompass the entire boot
> routine.
> >maybe we should start comparing assembly of boot2 done with gcc2 and
> >gcc3 (mbr/boot0/boot1 are assembly source anyways) and then move to
> >loader (ficl being [maybe] a problem here)
> We should. :)
> Back to reveng? ;)

Would the exact message (hex code plus BTX error) obtained when
pressing a key in the instant before restart be helpful?  Can this be
logged or must it be copied by hand?  (It's not horribly long, so if
necessary this isn't difficult.)


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