
Jörg Anslik joerg at anslik.de
Thu Apr 1 06:27:15 PST 2004

On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 09:08:51 -0500, "Justin C. Sherrill"
<justin at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Sascha Wildner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> does anybody know why the q3server (Quake 3 Server) from the FreeBSD
>> ports won't run under DragonFly? It uses Linux compatibility, starts OK
>> but when a client tries to connect the server logs:
>How up-to-date is the DragonFly system?  


I'm using the 2004-03-17b image, cvsup'ed last week, so I believe the
system should really be up to date.

One more thing to mention is, it's not a problem of remote clients
trying to connect to q3ded. I used "qstats" to check the the server
status on localhost, but I get the same error message, except for the
port number ranging somewhere from 1045 to 11xx. "qstat -q3s
localhost" by itself returns a q3ded server status of "DOWN".

As Sascha said, the same out-of-box-configuration works perfectly
under FreeBSD 4.9, which I re-installed for test purposes (shame on


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