<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Hello.<br><br></div>I have a possibly damaged HAMMER fs. Look at output of hammer checkmap command:<br><br>ressurected# hammer -f /dev/serno/5VPD5Y9X.s1:/dev/serno/6PT5CW16.s1:/dev/serno/WD-WMASY1750086.s1d checkmap<br>Volume header  records=0 next_tid=0000000279fe6800<br>               bufoffset=0000000044040000<br>Collecting allocation info from B-Tree: B   NODE 80000005221c3000 cnt=32 p=c000000522191000 type=L depth=4 mirror 0000000278289c40 {<br>done<br><br></div>I think this was caused by damaged hardware (overheated CPU).<br><br></div>I do not see any lost/inconsistent data yet, only hammer mirror-read command fails with one of PFSes:<br><br>ressurected# hammer mirror-read /home/shared > /dev/zero<br>Prescan to break up bulk transfer<br>Mirror-read /home/shared failed: Numerical argument out of domain<br><br></div>Can I lose data if I continue to use this fs? May it be cured (e.g. by copying data from /home/shared to newly created PFS and then destroying the old one)?<br><br></div>                 With best regards, Vasily.<br></div>