Binary packages available for "staged" branch of DPorts?

Antonio Huete Jiménez tuxillo at
Mon Dec 28 14:57:47 PST 2020

Quoting Michael Neumann <mneumann at>:

> On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 11:51:15PM -0800, Matthew Dillon wrote:
>> Antonio (tuxillo) and I build 'staged' regularly, but the staged repos are
>> always in a state of flux and I don't recommend depending on it.  That
>> said, I often have an external URL available for binary repo access to test
>> bulks, and at the moment it is operational and on staged:
>> Your download bw from this site is going to be pretty horrible though as it
>> is in my home.  Maybe Antonio can set up a semi-official staged HTML link
>> from the colo.
> IMHO something like biweekly or monthly builds would be great to  
> have as> a DragonFly user.

Sure, but for that we need more than 2 people, which is basically what  
we have now :P

We've done 10 syncs (once the current one is completed) in 2020, which  
isn't too bad.

>> Again, these links are always in flux, so don't depend on it :-)
>> Antonio believes he can get the next sync to master done by the end of the
>> year.  It will have the chromium fix.
> That'd be great, thanks! Happy new year then :)
> Regards,
>   Michael

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