DragonFly on VirtualBox

Aaron LI aly at aaronly.me
Thu Mar 1 21:24:48 PST 2018

On Thu, 01 Mar 2018 21:14:21 -0500
Pierre Abbat <phma at leaf.dragonflybsd.org> wrote:

> On my new laptop (which came with Linux) I made two VirtualBoxen and
> installed DragonFly on one and OpenBSD on the other. The OpenBSD install
> worked fine. The DragonFly came up with "Missing operating system" or the
> like. I rebooted it from the ISO file and ran boot0cfg. It looks like all
> files are installed, but when I rebooted it this time, it came up "F1 ??"
> and wouldn't boot. I think it's supposed to say "F1 DF/BSD". Did I skip a
> step, or am I missing a file or something?

Hi Pierre,

I've installed DragonFly BSD (4.8, 5.0, and master) in VirtualBox (on Debian
Linux) using the installer, and all work well.

Maybe you can try:

1. Boot into DFly through the ISO
2. Find the disk into which DFly is installed, e.g., "ad0" (for me) or "da0"
3. Install the boot code: fdisk -B /dev/ad0 (change to your disk)
   (According to the installer, "fdisk -B" is used instead of "boot0cfg",
   which installs the /non-interactive/ boot code as described in the
   EXAMPLES in boot0cfg(8).
   Could somebody explain in more detail about these two boot codes??)
4. Try reboot from the disk (you may need adjust the booting orders)

Hope this helps solve your problem.

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