Ravenports, what's missing for you?

Justin Sherrill justin at shiningsilence.com
Tue Jul 31 12:43:23 PDT 2018

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 3:06 PM, John Marino <dragonflybsd at marino.st> wrote:

> Well, I'm not doing that much work, but each iteration of DPorts does take
> an increasingly unacceptable amount of my time.  At some point I'm probably
> going to just stop doing dports and let that decision spur action.  Not sure
> when but probably not that far off.

It's a lot to ask for you to maintain two.  This could affect whatever
release of DragonFly happens after that point - next release is in
about 2 months.

net/isc-dhcp43-server and sysutils/cdrtools are part of nrelease but I
don't see them in Ravenports; that's something to convert over.  Now
that I went and said that, the next obvious step is to do something
about it...  I don't know if I have time/knowledge to bring them in
but I know how to find out the hard way.

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