HAMMER2 userspace on Linux (Re: HAMMER1 userspace on Linux)

Tomohiro Kusumi kusumi.tomohiro at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 11:18:51 PDT 2017

I've added sbin/newfs_hammer2 to my Linux HAMMER repository.

newfs_hammer2'd image on Linux is mountable on DragonFly.

Despite its name, this repository is going to contain both HAMMER1/2
userspace, for the possible HAMMER2 (or 1) Linux port in the future.
It will be in sync with DragonFly HAMMER1/2, which is the upstream of
lh1, unless I want to drop certain part of them.

2017-10-03 18:47 GMT+03:00 Tomohiro Kusumi <kusumi.tomohiro at gmail.com>:
> I've uploaded HAMMER1 userspace code which compiles on Linux distros.
> https://github.com/kusumi/lh1
> The fs itself doesn't exist on Linux, thus majority of commands that
> require HAMMER1 ioctls are actually not usable.
> In other words, newfs_hammer and hammer
> blockmap/checkmap/show/show-undo/strip/recover commands are usable.
> e.g. newfs_hammer'd image created on Linux is mountable on DragonFly.
> Notes:
> I haven't included mount_hammer at this point.
> Dropped hammer "info" command.
> Included DragonFly's fstyp which was originally ported from FreeBSD.
> Further work on kernel side is not planned at the moment.

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