HAMMER history friendly backup tool

Predrag Punosevac punosevac72 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 21:11:28 PST 2016

Sorry for the noise folks I have another quick question.

I have set up rsync server on my DF NAS box. rsync test work like a
charm and I can see file updates instantaneously on the MASTER PFS of
the backup and 30 second later I see files updated on the mirror SLAVE
PFS. However I am finding that rsync is not HAMMER history friendly. 

Namely I have a file a.txt which looks like

some sentence

I rsync it to DF NAS box and it is there. I edit the file on the
original box as

some sentence
add another sentence

and rsync again. I see that a.txt is correctly updated of course but
when I try to see the history

dfly# hammer history a.txt
a.txt   000000010003080f clean {
    0000000100040680 13-Mar-2016 04:53:08

It looks like the file is recreated. I am using -avW with rsync. Is
there a way to rsync a directory to DF box so that I have a full history
of the file? Is there any other tool or method to accomplish this? It
looks like I could have less fine grained history from snapshots but
that would be only as good as ZFS.


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