DragonFly 4.2.1 released

Curtis Gagliardi curtis at curtis.io
Mon Jul 6 15:23:38 PDT 2015

I did have initrd.img.gz, and /boot is on UFS.  I never touched
initd.img as far as I know, I do have root and swap encrypted, but just
however the installer did it.  Would the upgrade process have messed
with that?

I tried rebuilding initrd.img.gz as per Matthias' suggestion just in
case, but no dice.  Nothing I'm finding poking around in man pages seems
to explain where ms0d0 comes from or why it would cease to exist.  Can
anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks, Curtis

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015, at 07:51 AM, Tim Darby wrote:
> I don't know if this is your situation or not, but I have a customized
> initrd.img for booting into my encrypted root and the upgrade process
> deletes this file. So, after every upgrade, I have to be sure to copy
> my initrd.img back.
> Tim
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 2:37 AM, Matthias Play
> <matthias_play at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Be sure you have initrd.img.gz in /boot/kernel and /boot is on an UFS
>> formatted partition. If not, try regenerating it with "mkinitrd -b
>> bootdir".
On 02.07.2015 23:12, Curtis Gagliardi wrote:
>>> I just went through this process upgrading from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1
>>> and now
I'm getting errors with mounting the filesystem.
A potential key piece of info is that I'm dual booting with debian,
which is the first OS on the disk and has an encrypted lvm group.
I'm seeing dm_target_[error/zero/crypt]: successfully initialized and
then an attempt to mount "ufs:msdos0"
with an error about there being so such disk.
Full errors here:
>>> http://i.imgur.com/QFxfOHt.jpg
Anyone know what's going wrong, or how I can start going about debugging
this?  My initial guess is that it's trying to mount my debian
partition.  I used the ? command to list the disk devices, and tried
each one by running "hammer:<device>", but they all failed.
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015, at 06:31 PM, Justin Sherrill wrote:
>>>> Yep, it's a 0.0.1 release, to fix a bug in i915 support.  If you
aren't running an Intel chipset, there's no urgent need to update.
You do not have to be at 4.2.0 to update to 4.2.1; for all intents and
purposes, 4.2.1 can be treated the same as 4.2.0.
I've uploaded the new images and they should be showing up on mirrors
For those already running DragonFly, the same update methods as before
>>>>> cd /usr/src
git fetch origin
git branch DragonFly_RELEASE_4_2 origin/DragonFly_RELEASE_4_2
git checkout DragonFly_RELEASE_4_2
git pull
And then rebuild:
>>>>> make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
make installworld
make upgrade
Any existing 4.2 packages you have installed are completely compatible.
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