squid3 smp problem

Venkatesh Srinivas me at endeavour.zapto.org
Wed Oct 23 01:01:27 PDT 2013

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 12:25 AM, k simon <chio1990 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Matt
>   I googled it and found:
> <quote>
>> how can we adjust the path where squid stores the ipc files for the
>> coordinator and kids? it is /path/to/squid/var/run/squid. this is
>> because we used -prefix="/path/to/squid" . but also we have used
>> -prefix we want to have the files in other dirs. with (nearly) all we
>> can adjust the locations in squid.conf and use the full/other path,
> The OS determines where/what the SHM path descriptor has to be. We like
> to follow the FHS specification since these are special networking
> *socket* descriptors not "files". That may or may not permit your
> --prefix to apply on the path, but we do not allow localization.
> </quote>
>    I didn't know much about IPC.  In the past years I run some squid box in
> SMP mode
> with freebsd and linux, and I noticed that squid block the IO in the peak
> time every day,
> iostat displays IOPS cannot exceed 250/s, even though in some test I can get
> 1000/s
> when I run "tar xf ports.tgz" without any other load.
>    Yesterday I ran squid with aufs store in single process mode on dflyBSD,
> and observed
> the IOPS can touch 500/s sometimes. It's so amazing, so I want give more
> test with squid
>  in SMP mode.
>    By the way, I'm a newbie to dfly. Does exist some tool similar to
> cpuset/taskset can bind
> the process to cpu core to avoid some context switches?

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