libjpeg version

Jeremy C. Reed reed at
Mon Mar 22 13:40:50 PDT 2010

On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Pierre Abbat wrote:

> I have Konqueror 3.5.10, which uses libjpeg and expects version 8. I 
> have libjpeg 7 installed, and there is no newer version in pkgin. I 
> got it to come up with no page displayed by kluging a symlink, but 
> when I try to actually display a page, it crashes, saying "Wrong JPEG 
> library version: library is 80, caller expects 70". How do I fix this?

How did you install this Konqueror that was built using newer libjpeg?

But anyways, the newer version of jpeg should be available.

What are you using for your package repo? (What URL used for pkgin?)

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