
Pierre Abbat phma at phma.optus.nu
Sat Feb 20 16:22:35 PST 2010

On Saturday 20 February 2010 12:04:39 Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     It's also an issue of HAMMER retaining the cache for 60 days worth of
>     snapshots by default for /var.  I guess you could 'hammer viconfig
> /var' and change the retention to something shorter, like 5 days.
>     Do I dare ask how large a HD you are running HAMMER on?  :-)

It's 40 GB, of which 35 or 36 GB is the filesystem and the rest is swap. It's 
half full; 2 GB is a DVD image which I'm going to delete once I show it to 
the church leaders in a week, and another big hunk of space was the pkgsrc 
tree in CVS which I deleted and replaced with the git repo. Btw, what does 
HAMMER stand for?

Jews use a lunisolar calendar; Muslims use a solely lunar calendar.

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