avalon out of sync?

Jan Lentfer Jan.Lentfer at web.de
Sat Dec 18 15:04:10 PST 2010

Am 18.12.2010 23:45, schrieb Antonio Huete Jiménez:

Would it be worth setting up some kind of monitoring on the core 
servers (leaf,crater,avalon,...) so we can watch the availability and 
certain incidents in order to decrease downtime of the services?

People could be notified via email for example.

Antonio Huete
I would agree to that.  A full disk isn't really an incident that you 
want to bring down your service nowadays.

As I am running an nagios installation already I could offer to set up 
the monitoring. Basic monitoring would be just the reachability of 
certain services (anything that has an open port basically). More 
sophisticated monitoring (disks full level, SMART, load, w/e) would be 
quite easy also with standard nagios tools and setting up OpenVPN 
tunnels between the machines and my nagios host. I run a OpenVPN server 
already and do such checks with my brother's server in a hosting farm 
(including backups to my Bacula installation).

If there is interest in setting up something like that let me know, I 
would offer to basically make all the configuration. I would only need 
help from the respective machine owners when setting up local checks and 
creating VPN tunnels as long as I am not granted root access, but it 
should be quite easy anyway.


professional: http://www.oscar-consult.de
private: http://neslonek.homeunix.org/drupal/

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