Heads up: Binary packages updated

Sascha Wildner saw at online.de
Wed Aug 25 23:22:43 PDT 2010

On 8/25/2010 21:04, Justin C. Sherrill wrote:
On Wed, August 25, 2010 8:36 am, Dennis Melentyev wrote:
Hi Justin,

The listing of Avalon's i368/2.7/stable/All:
Seems to be a little bit short...
Is it still in progress? Or am I waiting in a wrong place?
My bad; I saw the build had concluded but the null mount where it's copied
over (since that build happens on that same machine) wasn't set up.  I'm
moving the files over now; should be as expected in a little bit.
Then next time it should be verified that all packages are really there 
before announcing.


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