rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

Rahul Siddharthan rsidd at
Wed Jan 30 01:54:29 PST 2008

Vincent Stemen <vs1 at> wrote:
>I have some benchmark test results comparing rsync to cvsup.  I did 12 client
>side tests over the last week.  5 against, 3 against,
>and 4 against  All tests were mirroring the DragonFly
>BSD source repository.  The tests were done with various aged repositories at
>different times of the day and night, some with compression on and some with it
>off.  Each test was done by unpacking two identical copies of a given aged
>repository, one to run the cvsup test on and one to run the rsync test on.

As I understand, cvsup maintains state between updates using checkout
files in a separate "sup" directory.  If you are missing that
directory, or it does not correspond to your "aged" tree, cvsup won't
do very well.  You should test cvsup by checking out the tree, waiting
a week (or whatever the time is) to age it, and then updating it. 
Likewise for rsync (though it doesn't require a checkouts directory). 


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