Microcontroller (was: Re: how to get dragonfly and freebsd source code)

Jonas Sundström jonas at kirilla.com
Sun Jan 20 09:16:53 PST 2008

"dark0s Optik" <shiftcoder at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am reading book of microprocessor architectures, 
> but I would like try to program a microprocessor.
> Anyone can suggest me documents, web links, 
> peoples to help me in my interest?

It might may be a good idea to start with a microcontroller
where you can be in full control of the hardware and have
good documentation to work from.

I think the Microchip PIC32 microcontroller is a good start at $50,
offering a simple, reasonably well-known architecture and tools 
that are supposedly easy to use if you've got Windows XP to run them.

It probably won't ever run a BSD though, due to its limitations.
Different purpose.

/Jonas Sundström.

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