laptop lcd vs external lcd panel Xorg

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Thu Feb 28 14:25:20 PST 2008

:> I installed 1.12.0 on my laptop along with 1.10.1 packages (should the
:> packages really be recompiled or can I use 1.10.1 binary packages?). I
:I don't have a good answer on the xorg difference between releases, but: 
:most/all of the 1.10.1 packages should work, as I understand it.  We'll
:have 1.12 binary packages soon; I have to get through a build on pkgbox.

    Yah, I noticed those were 1.10 built binaries, but I decided not to
    let it hold up the release.

    My only worry would be with the libc adjustments to the directory
    scanning code and the threading library switch.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at>

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