Default tar revisited

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Mon Sep 18 21:13:06 PDT 2006

    Hmm.  It sounds ok to me but I do seem to recall that some issues
    popped up when FreeBSD did this, so my provisio in importing bsdtar
    is that you (Peter) review the FreeBSD mailing lists for bsdtar related
    discussions and put together a summary of any issues that may have come
    up and whether the latest release addresses them (assuming the issues are
    even important).

    Direct support for tape has never been at the top of my list.  As long
    as pipes work, a tar piped through a dd or vise versa ought to work just
    fine for tape.  I think the last time I actually used tar *directly* on
    a tape device was over 15 years ago.


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