Replacing Sendmail with Postfix in the base system

Oliver Fromme check+j0ul1v00rs5nx2w5 at
Wed Jun 14 05:20:30 PDT 2006

elekktretterr at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
 > So can anyone summerize the pros and cons of sendmail/postfix?

I won't, because I'm probably biased.

But something which should also be taken into account is
the fact that postfix is under IBM's Public License, which
is not BSD-like and has rather much in common with the GPL
(including the condition that source must be published).

 > I personally don't see any advantage in using sendmail instead of postfix
 > other than "its been in BSD for years". However, I do see advantage in
 > Postfix. In my opinion is much easier and easy to read
 > by anyone.

The file on my mail server is 40 lines and
easy to read, in my opinion.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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