iftop & bmon issues

Mark Cullen mark.r.cullen at gmail.com
Mon Apr 24 05:06:34 PDT 2006

iftop appears to work fine, but when I quit the process stays about 
stuck in the "poll" state.

bmon starts but the screen is totally frozen and no keys are processed. 
I have to kill it (i'm lazy and tend to use killall, so `killall iftop` 
gets rid of it just fine)


(mrboo at df)/home/mrboo$ uname -a
DragonFly df.bone.servebeer.com 1.4.4-RELEASE DragonFly 1.4.4-RELEASE 
#1: Sat Apr 22 10:46:47 PDT 2006 
root@:/home/usr.obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

Output from ps immediately after quitting iftop:

(root at df)/home/mrboo# ps aux | grep iftop
root   3038  0.0  0.7  2584 1800  p0  SL    4:20AM   0:00.00 iftop
root   3039  0.0  0.7  2584 1800  p0  IL    4:20AM   0:00.01 iftop
After about 10 seconds or so it changes to both of them being "IL".

Output from ps while bmon is apparently stuck:

(root at df)/home/mrboo# ps aux | grep bmon
root  53311  0.0  0.5  1684 1264  v0  SL+   4:29AM   0:00.01 bmon
And after about 10 seconds, again, or so this changes to "IL+".

Is anyone else able to reproduce this?

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