Loader not found

Bill Hacker wbh at conducive.org
Wed Mar 16 21:27:23 PST 2005

onflybsd.org>	<20050315220419.499a9fd6.cpressey at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>	<4237d427$0$717$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>	<20050315230556.7b84efae.cpressey at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>	<4237e990$0$719$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <20050316122038.51f8e660.cpressey at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <4238a4ce$0$717$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <4238a88c$0$719$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Message-ID: <4239153c$0$716$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
X-Trace: 1111037244 crater_reader.dragonflybsd.org 716
Xref: crater_reader.dragonflybsd.org dragonfly.users:2214

Gary Allan wrote:

> Hello,
> If you're trying to put BSD on a USB/Compact Flash card you should look 
> at the miniBSD scripts.
> https://neon1.net/misc/minibsd.html
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2004/03/11/Big_Scary_Daemons.html
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/solid-state/ro-fs.html
> The provided scripts should apply with little modification against 
> DragonFly. I've used the above scripts as a starting point to install 
> FreeBSD 4 (inc Perl 5.8, Apache and Exim) on a 64Mb compact flash card 
> mounted read-only. (~48Mb in use.)
> Regards
> Gary

64 MB *with* Apache, Perl, and Exim is impressive!

Several other items on our plate here, so it may be a few days, but
I will have a look and post results, thanks.


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