How to teach OS

Liam J. Foy liamfoy at
Fri Mar 4 08:34:16 PST 2005

On Fri(04)/Mar/05 - , EM1897 at xxxxxxx wrote:
> In a message dated 3/4/2005 11:04:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, Zera William Holladay <zholla1 at xxxxxxx> writes:
> >Hi, I have a pedagogical question.
> >
> >If you (a developer) were teaching a first level college course in
> >operating systems with the goal of (eventually) transforming each student
> >into a *BSD developer, then how would you teach the course?
> >Specifically, what programming assignments would you have?  What material
> >would you cover?
> I thought the point of college was to prepare students for
> PAYING jobs? 

Why wouldn't this knowledge pay?

			- Liam J. Foy
			<liamfoy at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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