PCIX confusion

Boris Spirialitious hardcodeharry at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 13 09:04:56 PST 2005

--- Hiten Pandya <hmp at xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> EM1897 at xxxxxxx wrote:
> > Processor speeds have "hit a wall", which means
> that they
> > can't get much faster. So the best way to get more
> > performance is to increase support for MP. My
> point was
> > that current 'BSD OSes don't utilize MP very well,
> so 
> > the best price/performance is with UP. I find the
> empirical
> > evidence somewhat undeniable, but apparently the
> notion
> > is irritating to people. Why do I care if other
> people
> > waste their money? That, I can't answer. 
> 	As for current BSD's not utilising MP very well;
> why, that is
> 	stating the obvious, again.  We, at DragonFly are
> trying to
> 	change this current dillema, and also bring other
> new things
> 	into the OS.
> 	Have YOU ever compared performance of a P4 and an
> Opteron system,
> 	both with PCI-X?  If so, you provide numbers, and
> then we'll see
> 	where we all stand.
> > The "other" point, was that if I were to accept
> the premise
> > Hope that clarifies things.
> 	EM,
> 	You are stating the obvious, countless times and
> trying to
> 	find and issue in something where one is not
> present.  No
> 	one is saying that the PCI bus is faster or equal
> in speed
> 	to PCI-X.
> 	PCI-X is something that has not undergone market
> acceptance
> 	yet, and that is what's meant by "bleeding edge". 
> Not many
> 	people have PCI-X in their systems.  

I am very confused by this statement. Are you
part of dragonfybsd team? PCIX is just faster
spec for PCI. What is not accepted about it?
Is DDR also not accepted? This is very disturbing.
It seem like you have no idea what is going
on in the world. It is very strange.


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