Retrieving less data on cvsup?

Diego Calleja diegocg at
Mon Nov 1 16:27:29 PST 2004

El Tue, 2 Nov 2004 01:20:05 +0100 Diego Calleja <diegocg at xxxxxxxxx> escribió:

> I wonder if you could recreate the ports's structure looking at a debian-like
> packages description file. ie: create the makefiles, then a "make install"
> downloads everything (what you call "2 stage") including the scripts and
> patches neccesary to build it. 

. ...having said that, I must admit that in my "ideal package system", you
could do "commandtobuildapackage Makefile" so you, as maintanier of a
random project, could provide such makefile, ie. "use this Makefile
to install the latest CVS versión". I thing gentoo ebuild can do this, 
but I'm not sure. (it's not my intention to start yeat another "packaging
flamewar" BTW ;)

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