Testers needed: wpa_supplicant and hostapd tested to 0.6.10

Jan Lentfer Jan.Lentfer at web.de
Thu Feb 4 22:35:06 PST 2010

Thomas Nikolajsen schrieb:
I have updated both wpa_supplicant and hostapd to latest release (0.6.10).
One tester (thanks jh33) already confirmed that wpa_supplicant and wpa_cli
are working for him, but I'd like to get more positive feedback also on
hostapd before I will actually push this in. So, please TEST  :-)
wpa_supplicant(8) works here; just upgraded my laptop
and it still works like a charm for WPA wifi connection.
Hi Thomas,

thanks for testing. Could you fetch the branch again and rebuild/ test 
once more? I missed to apply some patches that are in now.



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