NTPD synchronisation patches

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai asmodai at wxs.nl
Thu Apr 14 05:01:46 PDT 2005

-On [20050414 13:42], Joerg Sonnenberger (joerg at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
>Check adjkerntz(8), esp. the FILES section.

Will do.

>That's what the -s is supposed to do (settimeofday when |offset| > 180).

As soon as I wrote it and sent it off something nagged at my mind, didn't
have a manual page for ntpd here so couldn't check.  So yeah, I'll check
with your patches tonight on my box.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai / kita no mono
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