Documentation work

David Rhodus drhodus at
Tue May 4 13:36:11 PDT 2004

On May 4, 2004, at 3:43 PM, Justin C. Sherrill wrote:

A first stab at the docs:
Cool. I know documentation can take a lot of time.

I'm very sad to see the very same style layout for the
documentation as FreeBSD is using. I don't think
the style FreeBSD has used over the years has lead
to anything good for people. I find the documents very
hard to navigate on the website. Though the navigation
problem could be a fall back from the horribly broken
search the pages have. DragonFly is very much an type
of avant garde movement. I would very much like to see
the same thing happen for the documentation.
I don't want to seem negative at all towards the work
that anyone has done so far. It looks really good. But I
think as for documentation, the most important item
should be to document the API. This has been one of
the biggest downfalls of FreeBSD, not being able to
maintain a stable API so that it could be properly documented.

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