[PATCH] fix /boot/loader for extended slices

walt wa1ter at myrealbox.com
Mon Dec 20 13:17:16 PST 2004

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004, Jonas [iso-8859-1] Sundström wrote:

> walt <wa1ter at xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > ...I did go so far as to re-install OpenBSD...

> The OpenBSD floppy is enough to give you a taste of its fdisk...

Actually, the only reason I didn't try OpendBSD's fdisk the first time is
that I've had two disks crash in the last three weeks and I didn't have
an OpenBSD machine available.  (One of those disks was only 18 days old!)

I don't have any great love for OpenBSD (and even less love for the core
developer team) but I update -current about every month or so, just to
stay informed.  I truly don't understand WTF they are doing with their
ports system -- which might be useful for DFly except that it's awful.

One reason the OpenBSD ports system is so frustrating is that they
(apparently) reject the common practice of using symlinks on their
libraries so that minor version numbers become irrelevant:  e.g.
libfoo.so.3 -> libfoo.so.3.2.1

Instead, they compile the minor version number into the executables,
which has the side effect that the entire ports collection needs to
be recompiled every time one library gets updated.

I suppose this has to do with their focus on security, but I'm not
sure.  Anyone else know?

I *am* sure that it gives me a pain in my backside.

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