linuxpluginwrapper, how to install?

YONETANI Tomokazu qhwt+dfly at
Fri Dec 24 21:14:35 PST 2004

[moved to submit@]
On Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 05:58:03PM +0000, Lukasz Byczynski wrote:
> big tnx...

Oh by the way, I didn't notice the presence of a private patch
in my ports tree when I posted the previous message; just editing
the Makefile doesn't work, since it fails compiling one of .c files,
because of references to osockaddr structure that was almost removed
last year.

I wrote a dfport override which contains the patch and added a few
knobs. Can someone please review the correctness of the patches
in files/ directory?

It is to be extracted under /usr/dfports. Knobs added are:
  don't check libmap compiled in.
  flash plugin version to use (NOTE: as written in pkg-message,
  the support for version 7 is alpha and not recommended).

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