style(9) manpage __P removal

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Mon Sep 22 18:17:51 PDT 2003

:Speaking of style how do people feel about K&R declarations?
:I'm wondering if I'm the only one that thinks that retaining
:them is silly.
:				-Kip

    I have been replacing them with their ANSI equivalents as I have come 
    across them.

    Note to people who might be doing this cleanup work:  The only thing to
    watch out for when replacing a K&R declaration with an ANSI one is
    that the arguments may be declared out of order.  e.g.:

    fubar(a, b, c, d)
    int c;		<<<<< note that this ordering might be different
    int b;		<<<<< from the ordering in the argument list above.
    int a;
    int d;

    fubar(int a, int b, int c, int d)	<<< correct conversion to ANSI

    Extra long ANSI declarations can be handled in a number of ways, I am not
    particular other then to request that additional lines be indented.  I've
    kinda moved to this format:

    fubar(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i,
	    int j, int k, int l, int m)

    But its up to you.  I have no strong opinion either way (other then
    additional lines being indented somehow).

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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