HEADS UP: BIND Removal. Short instructions for migration to pkgsrc-BIND

Jan Lentfer Jan.Lentfer at web.de
Mon Apr 12 10:50:54 PDT 2010

Jan Lentfer schrieb:

Have to correct my own guide :-(. This is working np it seems only when 
doing it manually but in my experience it didn't work correctly after 
reboot anymore.

Go to /usr/pksrc/net/bind96 (or bind95) and install the BIND package

# bmake all install clean

Copy or link the rc script to /etc/rc.d/
# ln -s /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/named9 /etc/rc.d/
Don't link, copy. It seems a link is not working during boot.

# cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/named9 /etc/rc.d/

Stop your base-BIND
# /etc/rc.d/named stop
Somehow on reboot the rc-script didn't pick up the right binary. So I 
also added:

edit /etc/rc.conf  remove named_enable="YES", then add

named_flags="-c named.conf"

The BIND packaged from pkgsrc is running with user named instead of 
bind, so..
# chown -R named /etc/namedb

Start you pkgsrc-BIND
# /etc/rc.d/named9 start

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