Batch/At (if it wasn't broken, no worries I broke it :-) )

Diane Bruce db at
Tue Sep 5 10:26:52 PDT 2006

On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 10:06:45AM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     And just as a side note... procedure call overhead on a modern cpu can
>     be as little as 0 cpu cycles for small procedures, and typically do not
>     cost more then 5 nanoseconds in any case.  This is because procedure calls


>     In the DragonFly kernel we only inline the tiniest, most heavily-used
>     critical path routines, though there are still a lot of 'old' inlines
>     inherited from FreeBSD that have not yet been unwound (the most aggregious
>     being in the NFS code and containing out-of-band goto's).

Don't get me started on goto's.

Just don't.


- Diane

- db at xxxxxx

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