RELEASE_1_2 tag confusion

Chuck Tuffli chuck_tuffli at
Wed Jun 8 14:37:51 PDT 2005

On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 01:10:17PM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
. ..
>     Check the tag embedded in the /usr/src/sys/conf/ file.
>     around line 38ish:
>     tag="\$Name:  ........ $"
>     This tag is supposed to be populated with the tag name for the tag
>     the file was checked out as.

Ahhh. The file I have from an anoncvs has the line

tag="\$Name:  $"

probably because of the 'co -ko' line in my .cvsrc file. Removing that
option and updating the file seems to have fixed this problem. Are
there other places I'm going to get bit by this? Is it better to not
use the -ko option at all? Thanks again.

Chuck Tuffli
Agilent Technologies

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