Stable tag slipped

Raphael Marmier raphael at
Mon Apr 4 15:24:54 PDT 2005

Matthew Dillon wrote:
:>     * The connection timeout issue under SMP, still has not been reproduced.
:Now that I have found the way to get a decent kernel dump, I am ready to 
:try to reproduce it. Any hint on how to proceed?

    I think what you want to do is generate a kernel dump the moment your
    telnet test starts to fail (i.e. looks like it will timeout), but
    before it actually times-out.
I've been running 3 loops of mirroring wget -m on the apache manual, 
with the fetched page deleted in between, MaxClients=256, 
MaxKeepAliveRequests=0. There is one loop runned localy.

There are more than 4000 connections in TIME_WAIT, more than 4000 sockets.

The server responds very well and there are no delays.

Tomorrow I will try MaxKeepAliveRequests to an impossibly high number to 
generate long running connections and see how it copes.

I welcome suggestions on what test to run as I am no expert in neither 
os nor networking.


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