trouble getting memory and swap info

Glenn Johnson glennpj at
Wed Oct 27 11:50:45 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 12:23, Aggelos Economopoulos wrote:

> On Wednesday 27 October 2004 19:44, Glenn Johnson wrote:

> > I am trying to get gkrellm2 working on DragonFlyBSD.  I got it to
> > compile and run but it does not report the memory or swap.  Well,
> > actually, it does report them, its just that the values are 0.  I used
> > the src/usr.bin/top/machine.c and the xsysinfo dfport as a guide.  I am
> > not at my DragonFly system at the moment but basically what I did was to
> > set the vmmeter and vmstats structures as defined in vmmeter.h and used
> > in top/machine.c, using sysctlbyname to get the information.  Is there
> > something else I need to do?
> Could you try the dfport override I posted on submit@ on 18/10 and let me know 
> if it works (just dump it on /usr/dfports/sysutils and make install)? Not 
> that I pay any attention to gkrellms memory meters (they suck) but it seems 
> to agree with top on my machine.

Thanks.  Maybe I am misreading the patch but it looks like you are
getting swap info (total and used) from "/compat/linux/proc/meminfo". 
Is that correct?

Glenn Johnson <glennpj at xxxxxxxxxxx>

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