out of inodes... new install

Johannes Stiegler j_stiegler at web.de
Fri Aug 6 05:01:05 PDT 2004

On Fri, 6 Aug 2004 01:23:45 -0400
"George Georgalis" <george at xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 09:09:45PM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> >
> >:/usr: create/symlink failed, no inodes free
> >:./configure.lineno: cannot create conftest.err: file system full
> >:
> >:this install is on a 5 gb slice partitioned with dfly installer
> >:I had a similar problem the other day on a 14gb partition (didn't
> >:notice the inodes part, may have been there...) -- both cases, 
> >:there is plenty of disk space left.
> >:
> >:Was talking with an openbsd developer who was having "out of disk space
> >:issues" too.
> >:
> >:I know what this error means but have no idea why it would happen under
> >:the circumstances (cvsup, make bash, make xorg), or what I should do
> >:about it... :-\
> >:
> >:// George
> >:
> >:-- 
> >:George Georgalis, Architect and administrator, Linux services. IXOYE
> >
> >    Woa.  That's very odd.  Can you mount /usr somewhere and do a 
> >    df -i on it ?
> Filesystem  1K-blocks    Used  Avail Capacity iused  ifree %iused  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s2a    254063   63277 170461    27%    1849  61893    3%   /
> /dev/ad0s2d    254063     556 233182     0%     192  63550    0%   /var
> /dev/ad0s2e    254063       3 233735     0%       3  63739    0%   /tmp
> /dev/ad0s2f   3120908 2122892 748344    74%  195809     29  100%   /usr
> /dev/ad0s2g    952771  443491 433059    51%   39039 200319   16%   /home
> procfs              4       4      0   100%      22   6142    0%   /proc
> ...all out ..for what it's worth...
> Script started on Fri Aug  6 01:19:13 2004
> # bash
> bash-3.00# find /usr | wc
>   195810  195810 9250412
> bash-3.00# exit
> exit
> # exit
> exit
> // george
> Script done on Fri Aug  6 01:21:07 2004
> -- 
> George Georgalis, Architect and administrator, Linux services. IXOYE
> http://galis.org/george/  cell:646-331-2027  mailto:george at xxxxxxxxx
> Key fingerprint = 5415 2738 61CF 6AE1 E9A7  9EF0 0186 503B 9831 1631

I had the sam problem. My system was running out of inodes. As i wasn't able to find the reason i reinstalled the system and everything was ok. But i think that reinstalling isn't a good solution. The problem occured after a cvsup. To find out which directories contain most data you can use "find /usr | sed 's#/[^/]*$##' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head". It lists the 10 most data containing directories. I haven't done this because my system was reinsatlled;^)

By the way: My system has been a completely fersh system. I just installed from the Release1.0A CD and enabled moused. Then i started to update the system. I had not installed any software at that point, except the stuff on the CD.



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