Building DragonFly (was: Initial messaging ...)

David Leimbach leimy2k at
Sun Jul 20 19:49:24 PDT 2003

I am interested in getting the SATA driver I helped sponsor
Soeren to write for SiI3112's :).
I don't know what kind of time I will have to do this....  I am
currently doing work-work as we speak... :(
The flow never stops coming it seems.

On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 7:18PM, Hiten Pandya wrote:
On Sun, Jul 20, 2003 at 10:37:07AM -0500, David Leimbach wrote:
4.8 RELEASE doesn't boot on my box...
Hardware is too new I spose... seems to be an ATA thing too.
	Hopefully, someone will volunteer to backport all sorts of
	things from 5.x, including hardware support excetra.  I just
	don't want to swamp Matt with patches. :-)
		-- Hiten (hmp at xxxxxxxxxxx)

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