IRC perhaps?

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sat Jul 19 10:23:14 PDT 2003

:On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 04:44:35PM -0400, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
:> I'd also note that I'm not entirely convinced that a chat system
:> is the best medium for serious-thought development.  It's great
:> for *chatting*, such as "Hey, which include library has XXX?",
:> but it works best for lots of short messages.  It does not work
:> as well for exchanging long technical comparisons of a variety
:> of development options.
:Depending on the people and how it's run, it can create a destructive
:least-common denominator problem and can be used as leverage for
:personal attacks and other culturally destructive behaviors in a
:group. You want folks to have clear communication that's publically
:archived for technical reference and set a professional context
:that's inclusive both personally and technically from the very
:beginning. That way you can better organize and utilize people's
:time and intelligence. Things can go very wrong with that medium
:without that above understanding especially with a small developer
:core and is a chronic development problem for the open source BSDs in
:general it seems.
:That's all I have to say on the subject.

    Yes, I mean you know there was that ONE time at USENIX where poor
    Jordan left an IRC window open on his unattended laptop in the
    terminal room... well, you can imagine what happened next (!)(!)

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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