Building DragonFly (was: Initial messaging ...)

David Leimbach leimy2k at
Mon Jul 21 11:04:19 PDT 2003

 heh... that's ok... I got no time to do this anyway :)

On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 11:13AM, Matthew Dillon <dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>:I am interested in getting the SATA driver I helped sponsor
>:Soeren to write for SiI3112's :).
>:I don't know what kind of time I will have to do this....  I am
>:currently doing work-work as we speak... :(
>:The flow never stops coming it seems.
>    The drivers are best left until the new DEV and VFS interfaces are
>    in place, which I hope to have in place in a two week timeframe.
>    Wrapping them with the messaging system is easy but fixing the iovec
>    stuff in UIO is going to be nasty as I just realized that I have to
>    deal with shadow objects too.
>						-Matt

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