Vinum and alike...

Shawn Debnath sdebnath at
Thu Jul 17 18:59:25 PDT 2003

>Can you describe what are you thinking that needs to be add on to vinum ?

David Rhodus asked a very good question, and honestly, I have not used VINUM
completely myself, so I myself cannot present the complete list, however, I
will present tomorrow what my boss thinks about it.


"Shawn Debnath" <sdebnath at xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
news:3f175124$0$272$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Hey Guys,
> I am a junior at Purdue University and have been a long user of BSDs. I
> at my university's IT Research Department which gives me a good chance to
> get to know what large scale users want. Recently VINUM has been bothering
> my boss in that it has severe limitations compared to LVM for linux, and
> also is very troublesome to use. Since I dont know how the development is
> organized, I want to ask you esp Matt Dillon, if you think this might be
> something I could work on for Dragonfly. Perhaps append to VINUM or create
> something new? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks
> Shawn

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