propolice for GCC?

Eirik Nygaard eirikn at
Wed Dec 10 07:26:30 PST 2003

On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 01:39:26PM -0600, Ryan Dooley wrote:
> Hello,
> >The follow up to building with propolice.  A make buildlworld,
> >buildkernel, installworld, install kernel worked just fine, although I
> >didn't not modify the string that GCC returns (since cc uses built in
> >specs) so see that propolice was built correctly.  I'm rebuilding the
> >system again.
> I've finished building my system twice now and it does seem to be stable 
> with the propolice patch.  The only (lame) way I can tell that the stack 
> guard is in places comes from strings(1).
> 	neptune# strings /kernel |grep smash
> 	__stack_smash_handler
> 	neptune#
> :-)
> Cheers,
> Ryan

Wouldn't it be possible to add a sysctl that shows if propolice is active
or not?

Eirik Nygaard
eirikn at xxxxxxxxxxxx
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