Flash-related docs on the site

Alex Hornung ahornung at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 23:38:14 PDT 2010

First off, thanks for writing a nice step-by-step tutorial on getting
this running, it'll prove useful to many users.

On 29/09/10 06:07, Chris Turner wrote:
>   - install multimedia/libflashsupport which should pull in the full
>     linux setup::
>       # cd /usr/pkgsrc/multimedia/libflashsupport
>       # bmake package clean

About this: with the libflashsupport out of pkgsrc there's an
audio<->video sync problem. Johannes Hofmann (jh33) has found and fixed
the issue, but since libflashsupport is distributed as a binary, it
didn't make its way into pkgsrc and might never do so.

He is providing a fixed version (yes, it's a trustworthy source) here:

and here, I think:

Alex Hornung

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