git: libldns, drill(1): Update to version 1.6.16

John Marino marino at
Fri Oct 18 15:06:22 PDT 2013

commit 675702c916f04196f71f7977c96bd3dfa8bddec5
Author: John Marino <draco at>
Date:   Fri Oct 18 23:22:45 2013 +0200

    libldns, drill(1): Update to version 1.6.16
    Many dports that require libldns were not building because the library
    was detected, but not the ldns.h header (along with its 30+ friends).
    The headers were available in contrib, but not installed.  However, the
    version 1.6.11 is too old for at least some of the ports, so it became
    necessary to update LDNS to the latest version.

Summary of changes:
 contrib/ldns/README.DELETED   |  11 +-
 contrib/ldns/README.DRAGONFLY |  15 ++-
 etc/mtree/BSD.include.dist    |   2 +
 lib/libldns/Makefile          |  37 +++++--
 lib/libldns/ldns/common.h     |   6 +-
 lib/libldns/ldns/config.h     |  97 +++++++++++++++--
 lib/libldns/ldns/ldns.h       |   2 +
 lib/libldns/ldns/util.h       |   8 +-
 usr.bin/drill/config.h        |   7 +-
 usr.bin/drill/drill.1         | 242 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 usr.bin/drill/drill.h         |   8 +-
 11 files changed, 402 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 usr.bin/drill/drill.1

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