git: awk: Update to version 20121220

John Marino marino at
Wed May 8 17:48:02 PDT 2013

commit d5272961fef135368033c0d16b9f59b73f27678b
Author: John Marino <draco at>
Date:   Thu May 9 01:53:12 2013 +0200

    awk: Update to version 20121220
    * BK added  __attribute__((__noreturn__)) to a couple of lines in
      proto.h, to silence an enthusiastic checker.
    * NK fixed obscure call by value bug in split(a[1],a) reported on
      9fans.  the management of temporary values is just a mess; he
      took a shortcut by making an extra string copy.
    * tiny fiddle in setfval to eliminate -0 results in T.expr, which
      has irritated BK for 20+ years.
    The README.DELETED file was relocated from the vendor branch to
    the master branch to be consistent with how most of the vendor
    branches are handled.

Summary of changes:
 contrib/awk/README.DELETED   |  6 ++++++
 contrib/awk/README.DRAGONFLY | 15 +++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 contrib/awk/README.DELETED

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