cvs commit: src/sys/vfs/hammer hammerfs.h hammer.h hammer_alist.h hammer_btree.h hammer_disk.h hammer_alist.c

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Fri Oct 12 11:59:48 PDT 2007

dillon      2007/10/12 11:57:45 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/vfs/hammer       hammer.h hammer_btree.h hammer_alist.c 
  Added files:
    sys/vfs/hammer       hammer_alist.h hammer_disk.h 
  Removed files:
    sys/vfs/hammer       hammerfs.h 
  Clean up the structural organization.  Separate out A-lists and make
  the header filenames conform to a single standard.  Add a super-cluster
  header and reorganize the A-list topology used in the cluster header.
  Augment A-lists to support hinting across A-list layers.  This allows
  A-lists to be glued together hierarchically and to pass hinting information
  between the layers.  This support will be used by HAMMER to manage cluster
  allocation via the A-lists embedded in volume and super-cluster headers,
  and to manage B-Tree, record, and data allocation via the A-lists embedded
  in the cluster header and embedded in individual filesystem buffers.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +36 -9     src/sys/vfs/hammer/hammer.h
  1.2       +15 -22    src/sys/vfs/hammer/hammer_btree.h
  1.2       +683 -311  src/sys/vfs/hammer/hammer_alist.c

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