cvs commit: CVSROOT

Justin C. Sherrill justin at
Wed Jan 25 20:53:06 PST 2006

On Wed, January 25, 2006 10:31 pm, YONETANI Tomokazu wrote:

> This is not working, because of missing subroutines get_revision_number()
> and count_lines_in_revision().  However, even if I brought two functions
> from FreeBSD version, adding or removing new files still fills up half
> of the screen with warnings from and  Maybe it's
> something to do with the difference between the cvs versions; I only
> tested it on the cvs server at work and we use cvs-1.12.12 on it.

Good catch; I shouldn't have put that in.  I'll move to the old version. 
There's a lot of changes in the FreeBSD version, and at least one of them
must be important for this purpose.

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