[issue1716] can't stop "bmake" (without args) in /usr/pkgsrc

laurent laborde (via DragonFly issue tracker) sinknull at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Tue Apr 6 14:03:38 PDT 2010

New submission from laurent laborde <kerdezixe at gmail.com>:

step to reproduce the problem :

* Fresh install of 2.6.1
* cd /usr
* make pkgsrc-create
* cd /usr/pkgsrc
* bmake
* press ^c (ctrl-c) after a few seconds
* you get the shell prompt, but some process (look like "configure" stuff) keep 
running in the background and flood your terminal. doing a "killall bmake" (or 
killall -9 bmake) doesn't help.

keyword: pkgsrc
messages: 8413
nosy: ker2x
priority: bug
status: unread
title: can't stop "bmake" (without args) in /usr/pkgsrc

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